4 3 2 1 Earth below us...

Posted by E | Posted in , | Posted on 12:43 AM


Well, it's official. In exactly three weeks, I will be stumbling off a plane at Heathrow airport, my viola on my back, and will embarking on my incredible journey.

Before then, however, I get to at least enjoy three weeks of freedom from studies and the like. Tonight was my last final of the semester and I have to sad, I'm a little bit sad. I'm sure I wont be in a few weeks when I'm walking in the land of cobblestones and "can I help ya, love?" The land of Douglas Adams and Ralph Vaughan Williams. Just thinking about it give me the (good) jitters!

In the mean time, I'm have to focus on packing. I have to really consider the clothes I want to bring. Being born and raised in Southern California, I truly have no idea how to dress for the cold. Let me give you a quick sense how the weather is in my future home-away-from-home at this very minute:

35 F (feels like 28 F)
Sunrise at 8 am
Sunset at 4 pm
87% humidity

Now, I'm sure most of you understand the significance of 35 F (or 28 F for that matter) as well as darkness at 4 pm. Perhaps you even understand the significance of 87% humidity (it is only 65% here) However, it is currently 1:11 am here in California, in the early hours of the morning, yet it is still 20 degrees warmer than London at midmorning. Now that's something for me to get used to!

I guess I should bring about 20 lbs (or 9 kg!) of wool coats with me, huh?

Who wants to be my Sledgehammer?

Posted by E | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:30 PM


As you can see, I'm still doing bits and pieces regarding the finalization of this blog. I'm currently liking this dark brick-wall thing, so I think I'll keep it. If you disagree or think that it needs some sort of modification give me a "shout-out" at the bottom.

You may also have noticed the "test" on the right there, under the magnificent London Eye (a picture which I took myself this past summer). That little test box does not lie. I will eventually find something deep and witty to say, but for right now, I'm sure you can bear through it.

Things are still moving forward here as I finalize my plans to depart. I have finally received the offer letter from Middlesex (which I then returned in a not-so-prompt manner) and have also applied for housing just this morning. A week ago, I sat at a table with about 8 other students going to Middlesex. I did recognize a face or two, but I can say with utmost assurance that, except for the girl who sits in the back of my Copy Editing class, no-one there recognizes mine. This makes my plan for world takeover so much easier!

As each day ticks toward January, I feel a tiny bit farther away from my friends and fellow students. Eventually, by January 7th, I will be as far away as I can possibly be from them, shivering in the rain no doubt up in London North. It's both terrifying and completely exciting. Admittedly, there are a few people who I wont mind be half-way across the world from, but for the most part, I will miss many of them and will miss-out on doing many things with them. Perhaps this blog is my futile attempt to stay in touch with them. Regardless, I'll send postcards and force them to remember me! :)

I will be getting a Skype account before I go just in case anyone feels the need to chit-chat at some juncture.

And on that note, I'll talk to you all later.

Oh, and I know that this blog technically does not have any readers yet, but that was my plan. I want to get comfortable with my blogging voice again (hopefully it is more refined than my last LiveJournal venture). I'll be sending out a link eventually to everyone before I go abroad!

Elise and the Early Start

Posted by E | Posted in , , | Posted on 10:33 PM


Perhaps this may be a tad pre-mature, or perhaps not. However, whether 'tis or 'taint is of no importance. For, despite the lack of official documentation at this juncture, I will most likely be in good 'ole London-town within a few months, visiting a city (and a bunch of other countries) that will most likely be where I leave a part of my heart.

Until January--alas!--I will be here in my beloved Southern California, doing what I do, hopefully doing it well. However, until official documentation arrives from Middlesex University, London, I will be confirming my future stay simply by adding up the constant hints they send me via e-mail. I do not if I'll be studying at Middlesex, but I do know that they've accepted me into the music courses I applied for. I do not know if Middlesex will be sending me an offer letter, but I do know that they need my passport scans, the number of which they "like to include in the offer letter." I do not know if I will be going Middlesex, but I do know that I have guaranteed housing in their dorms.

Therefore, I know that I'll be going to Middlesex without officially knowing that I'll be going to Middlesex. Perhaps this is the "middle" that the school seems so famous for.

In the meantime, I will be constructing this blog so that I can chronicle my journeys in the crazy town I was only truly introduced to a few months ago. There will be laughter, tears, love, and, if we channel The Smiths, some Panic in the Streets of London.

Let's hang that DJ.