Who wants to be my Sledgehammer?

Posted by E | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:30 PM


As you can see, I'm still doing bits and pieces regarding the finalization of this blog. I'm currently liking this dark brick-wall thing, so I think I'll keep it. If you disagree or think that it needs some sort of modification give me a "shout-out" at the bottom.

You may also have noticed the "test" on the right there, under the magnificent London Eye (a picture which I took myself this past summer). That little test box does not lie. I will eventually find something deep and witty to say, but for right now, I'm sure you can bear through it.

Things are still moving forward here as I finalize my plans to depart. I have finally received the offer letter from Middlesex (which I then returned in a not-so-prompt manner) and have also applied for housing just this morning. A week ago, I sat at a table with about 8 other students going to Middlesex. I did recognize a face or two, but I can say with utmost assurance that, except for the girl who sits in the back of my Copy Editing class, no-one there recognizes mine. This makes my plan for world takeover so much easier!

As each day ticks toward January, I feel a tiny bit farther away from my friends and fellow students. Eventually, by January 7th, I will be as far away as I can possibly be from them, shivering in the rain no doubt up in London North. It's both terrifying and completely exciting. Admittedly, there are a few people who I wont mind be half-way across the world from, but for the most part, I will miss many of them and will miss-out on doing many things with them. Perhaps this blog is my futile attempt to stay in touch with them. Regardless, I'll send postcards and force them to remember me! :)

I will be getting a Skype account before I go just in case anyone feels the need to chit-chat at some juncture.

And on that note, I'll talk to you all later.

Oh, and I know that this blog technically does not have any readers yet, but that was my plan. I want to get comfortable with my blogging voice again (hopefully it is more refined than my last LiveJournal venture). I'll be sending out a link eventually to everyone before I go abroad!