Secret World
Posted by E | Posted in Dublin, Edinburgh, Eyjafyallajokull, Volcano | Posted on 6:55 AM
The Stars Are Underground
Posted by E | Posted in BAFTA, Midori, music, souvenirs, Yuri Bashmet | Posted on 7:14 PM
Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere
Posted by E | Posted in books, food, Gubbay hall, Portobello Road | Posted on 6:49 AM
Family Snapshot
Posted by E | Posted in Austria, Czech Republic, Eurail, Family, France, Italy | Posted on 6:02 PM
Signal to Noise
Posted by E | Posted in Chapman, Middlesex | Posted on 9:53 AM
Shakespeare's Sister
Posted by E | Posted in literature, Rushdie, viola, writing | Posted on 1:43 AM
It's been 3 days since you looked at me
Posted by E | Posted in Camden Town, music, snow | Posted on 4:57 AM
The Shiek of Araby
Posted by E | Posted in Heathrow, snow, travel | Posted on 10:41 PM
At this point in time, everything has been very anticlimactic. I anticipated traffic, busy security lines, intense crowds of people squeezing through with caution. Instead, my original flight (yesterday) was cancelled due to weather conditions in London. These same weather conditions affected only the flights of British Airways, as most other airlines were able to land safely at Heathrow. Naturally, while other Chapman students arrived at Middlesex and began updating their Facebook statuses to alert the world of their triumphant arrival, I was sitting at home, watching “The West Wing” and blowing my nose.
Today, I anticipated the grand scramble. Sure, it would be a day late and I’d be slightly more prepared (I pulled hairs out the morning before), but it would turn out to be the hectic airport experience after all. However, here I am, sitting at gate 41 in LAX with a considerably low stress level. There wasn’t a line for self check-in. I was able to check both bags for free. My largest bag was a lucky 4 pounds under the weight limit. Security didn’t even need to open up my viola case. Painless, quick, calm.
And as I sit here, feeling as if hardly have any “exciting” experiences to write for this first true blog post, I cant help but laugh inside as the airport version of Louis Prima’s “The Shiek of Araby,” titled “The Shiek of Napoli,” plays over the speakers. In this version, the background singers never sing “Put that turban on!” It was a song from a very, very different time, I suppose.
There are thick clouds of fog intermittently heaving themselves over the terminals from the ocean, which is only a mile away. I wonder if British Airways had to cancel today’s flights as well due to “extremely foggy conditions.” Oh, BA, you make me laugh! But let’s leave the past in the past. In about an hour, I am going to be sitting on a plane, ready to say “A Bientot!” to my dear California. See you on the other side (of the Atlantic), folks!
I'm currently writing this from my home away from home, Gubbay Hall. It has a bed, a sink, a desk, some dressers, a radiator, and a view of the courtyard which is coated with a layer of ice-packed snow. It's not cold in the room, though I half expected it to be freezing. The radiator is actually quite effective. It's so quiet and magical at this hour--6:47 am--because the sun doesn't rise until 8 am. I've actually been awake since 4; I was so exhausted after my flight that I went to bed at 6 pm yesterday! It's amazing how 10 hours of sitting on your ass watching movies can be the most stressful and energy-draining thing a human can do. Though, the ride from Heathrow up to Middlesex was actually quite pleasant thanks to my Polish taxi driver. He was so amiable and was very interested in America.
It's funny. Because I wasn't able to arrive on the orientation day, there wasn't anyone to meet me at the airport. I had always figured I would freak out at being by myself in London, but perhaps those extra few days of being stranded this summer were for the best. Panic was the last thing on my mind. I just called the University, called a minicab, and did it! Elise, are you finally growing up? About time. Maybe I should change this blog's title to "Don't Panic."
London is so interesting! Everything is so different than what I've seen before, even the London I saw this summer. The sidewalks are covered in snow and the trees have that layer of snow on the top of their branches. I've always seen pictures of trees like that, but growing up in California, as most of you know, that kind of snow becomes more of a myth than a reality. Though, I have already seen someone fall on their butt, so I better choose my footwear carefully.
I'll probably venture out soon, wearing my wool coat, my gloves, a scarf, a hat, and some very unattractive New Balance trainers. It'll be chilly, but exciting, I'm sure.
Have a great weekend, everyone!