4 3 2 1 Earth below us...

Posted by E | Posted in , | Posted on 12:43 AM

Well, it's official. In exactly three weeks, I will be stumbling off a plane at Heathrow airport, my viola on my back, and will embarking on my incredible journey.

Before then, however, I get to at least enjoy three weeks of freedom from studies and the like. Tonight was my last final of the semester and I have to sad, I'm a little bit sad. I'm sure I wont be in a few weeks when I'm walking in the land of cobblestones and "can I help ya, love?" The land of Douglas Adams and Ralph Vaughan Williams. Just thinking about it give me the (good) jitters!

In the mean time, I'm have to focus on packing. I have to really consider the clothes I want to bring. Being born and raised in Southern California, I truly have no idea how to dress for the cold. Let me give you a quick sense how the weather is in my future home-away-from-home at this very minute:

35 F (feels like 28 F)
Sunrise at 8 am
Sunset at 4 pm
87% humidity

Now, I'm sure most of you understand the significance of 35 F (or 28 F for that matter) as well as darkness at 4 pm. Perhaps you even understand the significance of 87% humidity (it is only 65% here) However, it is currently 1:11 am here in California, in the early hours of the morning, yet it is still 20 degrees warmer than London at midmorning. Now that's something for me to get used to!

I guess I should bring about 20 lbs (or 9 kg!) of wool coats with me, huh?

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